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Aug 9, 2024

Experience - Sri Lakshmi Narasimha

-- from net -- 

 The story where Lord Narasimha courageously protected his child devotee Bhakta Prahlad and killed his demoniac father Hiranyakashipu. Since today is the apperance day of Lord Narasimha, I thought it would be appropriate to share my experience with Lord Narasimha and how he protected me. It was all during the summer of 2013 when my aunt and uncle wanted to take me and my brother on a vacation to congratulate us for our success in middle school. At the time I was still getting into the whole beliefs of Krishna Conciousness and was still a rookie devotee. I was especially attracted to one of Lord Krishna's famous avatars, Narasimha. At night time I would often have troubling nightmares, because I had experienced some traumatic events in my younger life as a kid which led me to depression and anxiety. Across from my bed was my nightstand and on it was a picture of Narasimha for protection, and everytime I woke up from my nightmares I would feel relief by looking at Lord Narasimha, and I just knew he was protecting me because I could feel his protection. Anyway, onto the story of the vacation. 

We went to rocky mountain national park in Colorado, a very beautiful place filled with mountains. Before we left I was a bit nervous because we had to get their by plane, and I had a phobia of hights, so just to feel safe I recited the Narasimha Kavacham before leaving. After the flight we traveled by car up the mountains. The part where things got unsettling was when I realized the trail that led up the mountain was completely unguarded and had no fences to keep us from falling off. So naturally, I felt a huge wave of anxiety flood over me. I griped tightly on my icon of Narasimha and chanted his name so we wouldn't fall off the cliff, luckily I felt great relief when we didn't fall off the cliff. So a few hours past and we finally got into our cabin. 

That following night I stayed up later than everyone else to continue chanting my japa, when I heard a sound outside of my cabin. I considered it to be nothing, since we were around forests and what not I thought it was just a deer. So I continued chanting, when the same noise occured again. This noise was not something like a branch snapping or something cheesy like that, but rather it was the sound of hard knocking. I had woke up my brother due to the noise and I asked if we should tell our aunt and uncle what was going on. But my brother told me not to, as we might anger them if it turns out to be nothing. So instead we went back to sleep only to be awoken again by the same kind of noise a few hours later, only this time more louder than before. This time we were seriously freaked out. I made a foolish decision and decided to look out the blind but did not see anything, only a very hard depiction of a shadowy figure standing by the other side of our cabin, so I quickly shut the blind not doing anything else. 

We finally woke up our aunt and uncle and told them what was happening and how I saw the shadowy figure outside, they looked around the house outside but found no trace of anything being around our cabin. So I considered it to be because of my anxiety, so I went back to sleep once more. The thing that happened next was the most terrifying experience I ever had in my life. I woke up completely paralyzed and was not able to move. I could however still breath and move my eyes around, and beside me there was the same shadowy figure I saw before, only this time standing right next to my bed. And I swear it started moving closer and closer to my bed and saw the sheets also moved. At first I considered it to be just a regular case of sleep paralysis as I heard this is what usually goes on, but I changed my mind and considered it to be a real demon as it moved my sheets back. Logically, No scientist can say that the sheets moving had a logical explanation and tell me it was just a product of my imagination, because if that were true then the sheets would not be moving away from me when I had absolutely no ability to move. 

The demon just went above me and stared at me for a good minute, I remembered I kept a small statue of Narasimha next to me and I loudly chanted in my head "Hare Krishna! Hare Krishna!" Until I finally bursted out "Narasimha help me!" Outside in the far distance I could hear the sound of a lion and the demon instantly fled. My brother woke up from it and I informed him what had just happened. The next morning I told my aunt and uncle about the experience. My belief in God strengthened from that point as I knew for a fact Lord Narasimha had protected me. I know this story sounds extremely cheesy and artifical, but I tell you, this story is none other than the truth. Lord Narasimha is the supreme protector of all his devotees, and will stop at nothing to protect us. Sri Narasimha Ki! Jai!

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